Antique dealers call them by the common name "Smalls". You see Flea (sorry Antiques Fair) stands with glass cases full of them, desperately hoping their custodians, the cunning of the objects will be some hapless collector to convince some of them with a few hundred pounds for what is basically useless.
Auctioneers call the same things objet de vertu and their catalogs are full of color pages with things strewn all their unfortunate owners desperate thatsomeone like they find it hard to resist a golden pill, so small there is barely room for a half dozen aspirin. Or a case for the games, smelling salts, thimbles and needles. They are neither use nor ornament. No worded differently. They are positive sense, but they make beautiful jewelry and fascinating conversation pieces. Call them what you want, but the large number of small, highly wrought iron products are often things of personal use, and usually with some valuable semi-precious element orexotic materials such as tooth enamel are installed, even fascinating.
It is an area that offers endless social historical and aesthetic pleasure, and has the attractiveness of being slightly undervalued: Most prices are within a range of $ 50 or less on the upper hundreds. Vinaigrettes were as the personal air fresheners people, the quality in the 18 and 19 Century led to ward off the evil smells that would be encountered in the cities. This tiny container instead of a spongeSoaked in vinegar and spices with a perforated grille, thus spreading the revival flavor. First, a small, rectangular box relieved only by crass bright-cut engraving tendrils, vinaigrette developed new miniature birds, snails, small fish and small books in the 1790s. Card cases a parallel with vinaigrette, both in its design and its eventual demise. Just as there was a time, neither man nor woman on the city venture of doors without his protection against theBreath of the open sewers, like no one went anywhere without a supply of business cards.
Etiquette demanded by polite society, that strict rules had to leave cards in terms of its size to follow to see the number, someone will be left at home and a well thought out code of messages that could be mediated by folding the corners of the Map located at the front - way. The cases in which they had been held in accordance with the rules of the game - particularly its size,which was three inches by four inches by half an inch deep, exactly. Silver was the preferred medium for most of the early business card cases, and the earliest examples are always clear and professionally in their design. The closer they came in the middle of the 19th Century, the more decorative, and sometimes frivolous, has been the case. Examples of topographical views, such as Windsor Castle, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace - so-called "lock-tops" are very popular, but canexpensive 600-800 euros for the best. Around the same time, was not a lady to fill a wardrobe without a patch.
He took cover small black spots on facial pockmarks, and thus "beauty spots" became fashionable. Shaped like diamonds, see the moons, stars, or ships, now the patch-boxes of our ancestors, serving as pill boxes. Nutmeg, originally from India, believed to protect against the plague introduced, and later had a more effective role as an integral part of impact andToddy recipes. Nutmeg graters published in appropriate forms, such as eggs, hearts, barrels, boots, and vases. Sometimes they would hide a corkscrew as well. The practice of inhaling powdered tobacco snuff was common in Europe in the 17th Century and has been for men and women in the 18th enjoyed. The habit continued into the 19th Century, and there are undoubtedly many more supporters. The result is a plethora of snuff-boxes to suit pockets of all depths for collectorsSearch and hoarding. At first simple folding boxes, she later became much larger, as a form of conspicuous display. Later, a rasp, and she was admitted in the course of time developed Vesta cases. These come from post-1833, marking the invention of the short sulfur corresponding tippedVesta.
Early results Vesta was unpredictable, and as highly flammable, is likely to explode in flames at the slightest encouragement. As a result, they had to keep in small metal boxes for security. These little boxes were produced in many different materials, silver, brass, tortoiseshell, mother-of-pearl, and finally, bakelite. All are collected today.
Wine labels were introduced in 1660 to identify unmarked decanters and bottles. In general, two small hooks, rings or hold the silver label on a chain that is decorated with the name of the wine, and hung around the neck of the bottle. Collectors seeking the unusual, such as shrub, Bronte or> Marsala and Vidonia Because large shells were slipped into tea chests are used for the export for the hollowing out of the tea leaves were originally caddy spoon into shells. As the custom of adding sugar to tea seized, sugar tongs in the form of fire irons and this was followed by more and more rich and rococo, the 19th Century wishbones and counted harlequin designs popular.
Knife rests were often formed in the shapes of the quarry of the hunt: fox, rabbit, pheasant, orDuck. The table would be adorned with silver napkin rings. These are of course still useful today, in a prolific variety of pretty designs and drove fantastic forms. Menu card holders subsequently adjusted table cards for the guests to keep, have traditionally been adorned with the family crest. Horseshoe shapes were popular, as well as others, such as Punch and Judy figures. Chatelaines are brooches or clips, that attach to your belt or clothing, and of those essential household itemsInstruments such as knives, pill boxes and tiny notebooks suspended. Among the most beautiful objects vertu from 18th Century Case (pronounced aytwee) or nécessaire. These cases are small, often in gold or silver, for personal needs such as eyeglasses, pencil, tweezers, pocket knife and carry it further.
Baby pacifiers - rattles, teething sticks and dummies - were in the form of children or bunny rabbits in combinations of silver with coral and pearl beads, and are oftenhighly decorated. Sovereign owners are unfortunately a little too small to hold a pound coin, but collected all the same. From the 1850s, from which "always pointed pencil or mechanical pencil as we know it popular. Two men with the invention of this clever little device: a silversmith Sampson Mordan and credited his partner, businessman Gabriel Riddle. What was it, the former design patented in 1822. One hundred years later, were S. Mordan and Co. to sell smart and highlyCollectibles examples range from the Centennial Silver at 12 shillings to the de luxe version in 15-carat gold, retailed at 130 / -.
Mechanical Pencils followed the fashion for figurative curiosities and were shaped like frogs, pigs, owls, pistols, golf clubs and even those with bridge marker for the followers of the card game. Sometimes the pins are also included mini-pocket knife and corkscrew.
They were made tens of thousands, in silver and silver, andis still available for less than 30 €. He's a strong market for smoking associated with products of the late Victorian and Edwardian era in silver or gold cigar cutters, cigarette cases and boxes and ashtrays. Silver Table Lighters began in the last quarter of the 19th Century appear quickly and assumed symbolic forms, such as flintlock pistols, Aladdin lamps, even grenades. Traditionalists will also find silver-backed brush and mirror for the dressing table and writing materials, andsecretaire writing equipment for the well-equipped. Other breeds of concentrating collectors commemorative objects, and here is the size is really huge. Silver teaspoons are particularly popular, often with themes of sport or souvenirs from trips to historical places enamel. All you need is money!