Traditional and yet so exquisite cuisine of sunny Italy ... It amazes us with its diversity!
Pizza and Pasta has a long time ago: I national recognition, and ease of preparation and unique flavor of these dishes, they have one of the most popular around the world.
The Italian cuisine is so varied that travelers from the tops of the heel of the Italian "boot", for very different culinary specialties. Hedonic nature of the Italians turned the processof eating a real festival not only for the stomach, but also with friends and family. They love good food with the same pleasure as the good life. Even the usual lunch consists of 5 layers of courts, but the problems with being among the inhabitants of the Apennine peninsula overweight is not observed, because Italian food is the much vaunted nutritionists in the world of the Mediterranean diet, the number of meals limited, and relies on its quality. The mainPlace in the diet can holders of cereals, fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and legumes, dairy products. The main source of fat which is also a strong antioxidant - olive oil. Each meal is cholesterol accompanied by a glass of red wine, blood, which is the guardian of the blood vessels and regulate.
However, I wonder why the Italian cuisine has become so popular all over the world?
Today there can be no young people who imagine themselves to look at an interesting movie withouta pizza! In fact, for centuries the technology of pizza production has almost not changed - except that the steel furnace gas and electric cookers. And everything else, including mandatory manual preparation of the test, remained traditional. Real Italian pizza does not tolerate hack-work, and despite the speed of preparation, not like the hustle: All processes need to take clear and measured.
The main thing in Pizza - Tortilla. On the one hand, it serves only the basis forvarious fillers, and so should be fairly thin. On the other hand, unsuccessful tortilla all feel spoiled by the pizza, which is simply inconvenient (tortilla, like hundreds of years, instead of a plate) and eat tasteless. Cake should be crisp, but soft, so that it can be folded, not broken.
The main point of Cake - dough. It should be prepared with olive oil - then the pizza will not cause heartburn, resulting in a score of pizzerias maximum pleasure.
Pizza - a gourmetMasterpiece, but as the food mass. His taste should not be monotonous, according to the consumption of the product (cheese, tomato, spicy, olive oil, etc.). The taste of a component should not interrupt the taste of others.
Ok, Pizza, Pasta, .. But what is a party without dessert? What will you choose for dessert? I am sure that tiramisu. This delicious Italian dessert is cooked on the basis of the mascarpone. This also Savoyard (Italian Savoyards) - porous, dry biscuits, eggs,Sugar (preferably espresso), alcohol (rum, brandy, Marsala); top dessert coffee chocolate decorated with cocoa powder and grated. Cake is not baked, the texture is soft as pudding.
Tiramisu - one of the most popular desserts in the world, most of all Italian Foods, the stomachs and hearts of millions of people around the world conquered.