Stress-Free Wedding - 10 Things to remember

They are always up to the most beautiful day of your life. But sometimes it feels as if the world is falling apart. Half of your guests have not returned their RSVP, you're late for the third dress fitting in two weeks, and the caterer has just called to tell you that they are no longer able to offer chicken marsala. It's easy to get lost in the frenzy of wedding planning, but it is important to remember what is really important. You have found the love of your life and you are in the processstart a life together. So if the going tough, you try to tackle your tasks in a calm manner. Here are some helpful hints.

You do not need to invite all of you ever met. Sure, your immediate family to share your special day. But you will not lose your job by the exclusion of people you barely know, and your cousin Jill will speak again with conditions to be with you even if you do not invite the latest in the string of friends.

Let your size weigh on you. EnterWedding dress that you look good no matter what happened. Crash diets to fit into a dress two sizes too small will only reduce your already depleting energy. If you exercise healthy and physically, you may lose a few pounds and bonus will be fit and fabulous views of the big day.

Accept that you are not the perfect day would go perfectly. It may rain, the sedan in a traffic jam, or you can get a stain the size of Texas on the nose. These things are out of your control. Worried about herahead of time makes it worse. Remember that rain on your wedding day is the sign of a long and happy marriage, that you remember a big deal made about the sedan, and that you are wearing a veil half a day anyway, so who will truly be "one little skin imperfection?

An innocent mistake does not justify your nasty meltdown. Kindness is an expression of your love and compassion for others. This includes your sister, who broke a few crystals of your tiara while tryingto "really it shine." She was just trying to help. Some super glue and a steady hand will fix your hair part, but it is not so easy to repair a broken friendship.

Time, respect for others and the energy and they will respect you in return too. You have to steal not just your maid of honor, by the "Something Borrowed" to your permanent jewelry collection. You can also had deceived asked if they could choose to dress from the seamstress, the favor of the business, and your creepy cousinat the airport. While it is okay to delegate certain tasks, do not ask the wedding party to do everything for you and your fiance, you may find yourself alone in front of the altar!

Excess is a waste of time and money. And trying to create the fanciest wedding your friends have ever seen can be very stressful. Yes, a wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime, special event. Go for the expensive clothes and the swing band that you love both, but not buy, perhaps, the twelve-storied wedding cakeor the mini champagne bottle favors, just because they are "so chic". You'll find more than probable that the Bank of things that have broken only the last few days.

Compromise is the key. You've always dreamed of a sunset ceremony on the coast. My fiance says he wants to marry Elvis at Graceland. This is your big day. You do not need to give, but you have to do in order to openly and honestly about the things that are most important. Agree to exchange vows on the beach and honeymoon inGraceland.

Loose lips will only add to your anxiety. Just because one of your bridesmaids bright red hair dyes two weeks before the wedding, you will not automatically entitled to it as "Carrot Top", if it is not there. On the day of the ceremony to tell the stylist to give her a noble hush-up with a few flowers in their hair, most of the color. Swearing she will not back blonde.

Give thanks ... and quickly. Plan to write a thank you letter for each of your giftswithin 48 hours of receipt. If you get a lot of gifts in a very short time to say thank you to fight with a shower or reception, to ten yous at a time. Breaking up the long list, you can relax while still gracious appear.

What is not stress about his art. As a bride-to-you will almost certainly about what your fiance raved at Bachelor Party transpire. But remember that you are his ultimate fantasy. He would not marry you otherwise. So stay cool and have a great night ofOwn with the girls.